Sunday, March 05, 2006


These last three days I've felt a piercing pain in my left side chest. Everytime I take a deep breath, I feel a sssssssqueezzzzzing pain, which will subdue if I hold my breath, but it returns with my next.

When it comes to the biological aspect of human life I hate everything above my waist and between my two arms. That's where all the machinery is and that's where everything can go wrong. It makes me so pissed off sometime (read: always) that we are so fucking fragile. GAAH!

Ohh well, Last night I couldn't sleep beacuase of the uneasiness of what this could be. The pain is situated just above the heart, so perhaps it could be the heart. Was there something wrong with my heart? Was I just about to get a heart attack? Could I have a heart failure? Was it cancer?

Was it my lungs? Was there something wrong with my lungs? Did I have cancer? Would I make it through the night to get to a doctor? Well the anxiety grew with each minute and the turnign and twisting in bed only made the pain worse. My girlfriend, at 04.00 last night finaly told me to phone a on-duty nurse. And I did.

No need for the sirens, she said to my great relief. It's the lungs, she continued.
Ok, I said. So what should I do?
Call the district health care central tomorrow morning and book a time, she said with a tone that could only be described as a very bored tone.

I was glad, and I could sleep. For one I was glad that the nurse had been bored, because it meant that the situation wasn't serious. Another reason I was glad was that it was the lungs. I have no control of the heart, and it beats whether I like it or not (I do want it to), but the lungs I can in some sense control, and you can live with just one of them. I could sleep, forcing the hypochondric diagnosis of cancer aside.

I called, this morning. I went there, this afternoon. I returned home, this evening.

An ECG and a temperature check proved me healthy, except I had an inflammated muscle in my chest (not my heart) that is caused by a cold.

Nothing to it then, but damn it if I still can't shake of this sense of beeing fragile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! You are better than me at least... I don't even ~tell~ anyone that I feel sick. Which is not often btw, but still. I even refuse to take medicine... how sad is that?

3/05/2006 09:19:00 PM  
Blogger Niklas said...

If it's medicine that will actually help, I'll take it. But I'm not a believer in painkillers beeing good for you. I rather ride the storm through.

3/05/2006 11:30:00 PM  
Blogger Inez Lindh Isefält said...

I have this too from time to time and it feels like your heart gets stuck between your ribs when you breath.
It's caused by an inflammation in the diaphragm. The only thing you could do, when you suddenly get it, is TRY to take a deep breath until it kind of "pops" free.

3/06/2006 01:33:00 AM  
Blogger Niklas said...

I don't think that was it, Inez. Today my throat is really sore and I think I have a fever (I am at school though, believing that the lecture was at 13.)

3/06/2006 02:18:00 PM  
Blogger Inez Lindh Isefält said...

Could still be... it appears when you get a cold and is often related to stress. But who knows... you might be "lucky".

3/06/2006 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creepy story...

We are fragile, that is very true. But the body is still an extraordinary thing. I am so amazed by its ability to heal minor injuries and diseases in no time. And it is absolutely incredible how well it is capable of functioning. Most of the times.

Hope you feel better soon.

3/07/2006 08:15:00 PM  
Blogger Niklas said...

The main question perhaps would be, whhy there are deceases and such?...

Ohh sorry I just sneezed and now I can't finish that thought.

Ylva.... Show me the money! uhh blog

3/07/2006 10:59:00 PM  



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