Saturday, February 25, 2006

The love for the sea

Aubrey/Maturin flash movie

I was yet again supposed to write about blogging or rather blogger. I can't really decide which theme this blog should have, but since blogger does not support chategories I really don't have much choice than to make several blogs and link to them from this blog (perhaps that's their buissness plan; To make their customers produce more and more blogs which reflect their position in the blogosphere) . But I don't want to do that because I can't maintain them all with a post per day (I can't even do that on this blog), and that's what you have to do to keep the precious few that returns to this blogs and reads what I have to say. So what should I do? I could move... hmm

What's this got to do with the flash movie above? Nothing. But since I managed to talk some about blogging I am free now to talk about something else.

I have always been absurdly fascinated by 16th, 17th and 18th century maritime life and above all ships. It have something to do with my love for the sea, and the eternity it reveals to me. You are totaly at the mercy of nature when you are rocking away on a sailboat. Motorboats defiles that feeling because you, in such a boat, in some way subdues nature.

But, even though I on my mother side sort of have the sea in my blood, I haven't done much to take me out to sea. I did my military service in the swedish marine on an gunship, but that's pretty much it. It's through movies, books and perhaps most importantly videogames I have fueled this love. I remember the first game that, in an awesome way, made me dream about the Spanish Main and the life of a seaman. Sid Meier's Pirates! totaly swept me away. It's the best game that's ever been made in my opinion. The graphic was awsome. Believe me it was. The gameplay fantastic with so many differant levels and aspects. Roleplaying, action, history, excitment and sailing. The remake last year is tarred with the same brush, with the exception that the brush is finer and the tar thicker. Hopefully the MMORPG Pirates of the Burning Sea will quench some of this love.

I still haven't told you about the flash movie above.... well the book and the series it's based upon has everything to do about what I've talked about....

PS... the titel for the movie is hilarious. The romantic dream I thought would be the titel for this post is the dream of the sea. : )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But I don't want to do that because I can't maintain them all with a post per day (I can't even do that on this blog), and that's what you have to do to keep the precious few that returns to this blogs and reads what I have to say."

I'm often left wondering whether bloggers are more intent on recieving feedback from others than actually writing their thoughts. *Shrug* Whatever it is, it certainly shows that humans are indeed selfish beings.

2/25/2006 08:56:00 PM  
Blogger Niklas said...

Well that's what I'm trying to do, writing what I feel is worth writing about. I could write about squat and sometimes I do, but I never feel like i do.

Your posts for example have been top notch lately, but you can't help that they sometimes won't.

I'm rambling 'cuz I'm drunk on red wine.

2/26/2006 12:18:00 AM  



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