Friday, February 24, 2006


Realisation, that what we call something that is on sale in sweden, or rea for short. And, that's what we have right now, forget about the big "rea" between christmas and New Years, the "rea" we have now is the one which counts. I'm of course talking about the national booksale. You're like a child in a candy or a toystore when you enter a bookstore in these days. But, even though you could (read: hope you could) and would like to buy everything on the shelves and on on the tables, you can't. For two reasons. One; Even though it's cheap as cheap can get (I really tried to use a more illustrative phrase, but couldn't think of one) it still burns a big hole in your pocket (I don't use a wallet) after five or six books. And that's the amount I bought. Second, buying several books at the same time really makes you think if it was worth it on the way home (my point: it's heavy). Nothing, however, nothing makes you as glad as finaly getting home and placing those books in the bookshelf.

Note to my self: I've found out that I have long ago disbanded my principle to only have books I've actually read in my bookshelfs. Don't worry I read them eventually.

So what did I get?

Jac the Clown by Hjalmar Bergman
Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (I had no idea that a Saturday night Special was a small cheap gun bought illigaly and used by criminals)
Gentlemen by Klas Östergren (coudn't find a decent link, but found out that it may be translated into english soon)
The Highway men of the Sea by Robert Hermansson
Hell - Death and the eternal penances in western worlds christian tradition - by Bengt Ankarloo

(they're all in swedish accept of course the dictionary)

I also bought a photography book of native-american chiefs and soldiers during the "wild-west" era and gave it to a friend as a birthday present.

I can also add that when I got home I found a letter from school telling me that I had to pay the school library 1070:- for a book I had long ago forgotten. (that's aprox: 100$) yikes! However, I did find the book after a long search and can now return it, which will remarkably lower my fine to 200:-, phew.

I'll think that this fine tells me to head out another day this week and buy more books so that I won't have to go to the library anymore.

This post wasn't supposed to be about the booksale, damn it. It was supposed to be about blogging. Next time it will.

Other blogs about bokrean:

Mitt liv som Anna


Alexandra en gång till

When looking if anybody was writing about the booksale in english I, to my horror, found out that the booksale in sweden wasn't that exclusive to sweden. Damn, it was one of those things that made me proud. Hmm I have to do some research about this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow, libraries are much more appealing to me than bookstores: they are free...

2/24/2006 04:44:00 AM  
Blogger Niklas said...

True, but you do have to return those valueable items after you've read them.... and that hurts.

2/24/2006 10:08:00 AM  



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