Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Perhaps I can answer my question...

Thanks to this post at the swedish blog My Markup.net I perhaps have found a way to answer my original question if blogs could be a powerfull medium (see related post). The New York magazine New York has published a rather long article about blogging and the few blogs that actually make money off it.

Apperantly there is a curve that is applicible to the phenomenon. It's called the "power-law distribution". The curve is used in several other occasions, like for example describing the distribution of wealth in the world. The essence in the curve is that very few has all the wealth while the enormously huge majority has very little, and this also applies to the blogsphere.

The reason for all this (and I'm not really trying to explain why the world spins like it does) is that, as the writer of the article in the magazine so conspicuously points out, for example, movie producers pick actors that other movie producers already picked (there is just a few actors/actresses who show up in movie after movie, while there is a huge number getting hired from time to time, mostly never). The blogosphere is apperently devided into a A, B and C list, where the A-class is those blogs that have a huge following, the B-class have a good amount of daily readers and finaly the C-class who floats like bottle posts in the Pacific. The break a C-class blog needs is to have is to be linked to by an A-class or even a B-class blog. And that is a far fetched hope to cling to.

For me this article has possibly provided me with some research material to add to my essay.


Blogger Anne said...

ieGot "Bloggtider" from the library today. Erik Stattin (mymarkup.net) is one of the authors.

2/14/2006 04:58:00 PM  
Blogger Niklas said...

Ok, jag skulle kunna låna den av dig i morgon eller på fredag. Tack Anne!

2/14/2006 06:01:00 PM  



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