Sunday, February 12, 2006

Can't answer my question!

I've finaly figured out something about my question about blogging. My question is if blogs could be a powerful media, a media that has impact on the political, cultural or commercial sphere of society. What I figured out is that I actually can't answer the question. The only thing I can make clear is that certain blogs have or have in past made an impact or a difference. And I can show you how and why these blogs was or is powerful. However, I can't tell or show you that blogs are a powerful medium without making a statistical study over the amount of powerful blogs and compare it with the not so powerful amount. It's calculated that there is about 10 million blogs out there, How many make an impact? A couple of hundreds or thousands? Isn't this comparison signifacnt? Does one powerful blog make blogging powerful?


Blogger Lebensträumerin said...

Nice blog!
Thanks God you write in english or else I wouldn't get a word!


2/13/2006 01:22:00 AM  
Blogger Niklas said...

Thanks mate!

2/13/2006 01:31:00 AM  
Blogger Dovid said...

Thing's like this: Blogging is different from regular media in that anyone can blog. So obviously, what you're left with are some great blogs (representing the great voices amongst us) and the not such great blogs (representing the mediocre voices). So while it commands more respect than mainstream media in the sense that it is honest, and real, it is too diffucult to weed through.
Think of it this way: Blogging is like talking. But the words are suspended in cyberspace. Now it's time to sift through millions of conversations to find an intelligent one...

2/13/2006 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger Niklas said...

Blogs aren't powerful because everyone can blog. That is a powerful aspect of blogging, but it doesn't make blogs powerful. It's interesting that you talk about the honesty of blogs. How long will we think blogs are honest? Is the honesty of blogs important?

And BTW... Blogging is NOT just like talk suspended in cyberspace. That's redicilous. What you post in your blog is very much thought through.

2/13/2006 01:24:00 PM  
Blogger Lebensträumerin said...

Hey dude!
Thanks for taking a look around and the comment.
It's funny you said "interesting but dark", like one think can not involve the other ^^
Take care


2/13/2006 08:13:00 PM  



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