Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Pen and Paper

So, I've decided to make another blog. Why? Isn't that just extra work? I guess it is. But, I can't see me commenting blogs, blogging, news, funny stuff on the web, soccer, modelmaking, sailing, skating, sail skating, a model of a sail skater, and then post a poem in the middle of it. It just doesn't make any sense. So I decided to make a more "high" culture blog, even though I hate everything about "high culture", or in any case just the idea of the same. In this blog I will post poems, in both swedish and translated into english..... gah!

My index finger is situated just 5 mm above the backslash and my brain is in turmoil. Should I actually tell people I regulary meet that I on occasion write poems? Of course I should, you've been through this before. You've showed people your stuff before. Allright It will bear or break as we say in swedish.

Now, where was I?

!Hag.....hsilgne onti detalsnart translated into english, and other kind of writings I have done and, of course, will do. All this writing in blogs have really fueled my urge to write again. And in this sense the blogs are a true powerful tool, for me at least. But, it's also a bit of an experiment. Which of my two blogs will become most linked to? Alas, I have no expectation of beeing ever linked to.

If you would like to bet on this, please do. Don't just expect to get a fast return. I however believe that my cultural blog (Rally Here) will be the one getting the most backlinks (blogger doesn't support backtracks) in the end. The first backlink I'll get will be on this blog, I hope. That's the plan anyway.

I just remembered that I could link to myself... but that wouldn't, in these olympic times, be a sport. Would it?

Damn! damn, I really am a dimwhit sometimes. I didn't realise that I've actually already made links to Rally Here, and look I did it again. OR did I? Is a link to an entire blog and not just a post count as a backtrack/backlink?

Is there a way to tell how many link to your blog (not linking to a specific post)?


Blogger therese edberg said...

hej...du, en fråga... vet du hur man kan göra kategorier...

2/15/2006 02:56:00 PM  
Blogger Niklas said...

hmm det har jag aldrig tänkt på... nej. Men jah kan förmodligen kolla upp det. Tack för tipset dock. Jag har å andra sidan trott att kategorier endast är till för de som har väldigt mycket på sin blog. Vilket jag inte har än.

Tack för besöket.

2/15/2006 04:02:00 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

blogger saknar kategorier tyvärr

2/19/2006 08:41:00 PM  



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