Thursday, March 02, 2006

Stupid Parents

Today me and a friend of mine went into a toy store, trying to reconnaissance some future toys for his nerwly born cousin. To my horror I heard this from a mother:

Mother: You get a new toy every day, and you still point at stuff you want.

Daughter: But, mom ..... .(incomprehensible child muttering)

I wanted to scream at that woman

me (Or me as I would have liked to have done): GAAAAHHH! But of course your daughter want's everything she points at, when you give her everything she points at. You stupid stupid mother. And why the hell are you in a toy store with her every god damn day???

I don't have children yet, and I understand it's the most difficult matter in the world, raising a child. So why isn't there a child licence? A licence each of the parents have to take to be able legaly to have a child. I have an other example of a stupid mother (sorry I have actually not heard a father say something stupid to his child as of yet, so therefore I only have these two mother examples, don't read anythign into it).

I was raised in a suburb three European miles South of Stockholm, a suburb that's on the border to farm country. In this suburb we often sense the distinct smell of manure from the local farm (Alfa Laval).
Child: What's that smell, mom?
mother: It's all these turks who take a dump everywhere they stand.
Me (again as I wish I would have done): GAAAAH!!! [lifts mother in air and throw her of the bridge (we were standing on a bridge at the time)].

I was so fucking (I get really aggitated even as I think about it, so the f word is applicible) pissed of during that whole day, hell make it the week. How can a mother so spitefully teach her child such lies??
1. She know's the truth about the smell, as well as I do.
2. She delibratly tell the child a lie, when she doesn't have to.
3. She thoughtfully transfer her hate to her child.

Why oh why didn't I just stop and tell the child the truth and say that his mother was a god damn lier.

I really, really think we ought to have a sort of licence for parents. If they don't have this licence they don't get child support from the state.

(It's an unrealistic stance, I know, but sometimes the people of this planet makes you doubt the point of it all.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true! Today's parents are children themselves! What the heck are they ~doing~ raising kids??? Did I say raising? Oh, forgive... I meant failing...

I cannot help but remember a fine article you might like to read:

I cannot agree with her more.

3/02/2006 04:17:00 AM  
Blogger Niklas said...

Thanks for the article, nice read.

3/02/2006 09:02:00 AM  



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