Monday, February 27, 2006

sailing with english?

I'm having a hard time with a thought that's growing, growing by each cloud of hope. Hope, that I will one day be a sailor, be a part of a crew of a frigate, brig or any other sailing ship of the 17th, 18th or 19th century. While I can't be a part of the crew of the Götheborg East Indiaman going to Canton as we speak (actually she is in Cape Town right now), I possibly can some day be a a part of the brig Stockholm which should be ready to sail late august this year. I've signed up as a member...

Ohh well

And now over to something completely different

I think I write better in English than I do in swedish, but I can't figure out why. It has something to do with the way I have to think... or the way... hmm
Perhaps it's the fact that I have to be creative on several layers at once. I know that when reading scientific papers or books I prefer reading in english. I instantly get really bored when reading such books in swedish. Reading in English is just more fun.

Don't get me wrong. I have nothign against swedish. It's me, it's my nationality, it's home. Reading fiction is more enjoyable to be in swedish for instance.

I've always been fascinated with english and the vastness of its vocabulary. When looking in I find that there almost always is 4 to 5 more synonyms per word than there is in swedish. I understand that English is the second or third largest language in the world and it there for should have more words (hmm I thought that there would be some logic in there, but I can't find it now). I will hovever never learn as much english as I would like to, nor be as fluent as I would like to. I will always make those silly errors as the one I just did with hovever. What I really can't figure out is why I find English more fascinating than swedish? It's not just the amount of words, nor the simplicity of the grammar (believe me, it's simple compared with other languages)

Perhaps it's just the fact that it's a key that works in every corner of the world.
Perhaps it's the fact that the language is the result of the british empire having been and later the US beeing the melting pot of the world for centuaries.
Perhaps it's just the simple fact that it's one of those few thing I'm pretty good at... I guess that's it.

Now I'm hoping for some recognition ; )




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