Thursday, March 02, 2006

Forums vs Blogs

I did write this before but didn't save it as a draft. Silly me. So now I have to type it all over again. perhaps it will, and it should, be better now.

While I was reading about blogs and what they were for, I came across the slogan that blogs are a fantastic tool for discussion over the web, while being so much more. Since I hadn't explored blogs or blogging at all before, I couldn't see the falsehood in that statement. And it is false. False, false, flase, fasle. I haven't yet come across a single disussion between blogs where they link to each other in a two way conversation. They do link, but that's only because they share a topic but they do not relate to each other. The sender is never the reciever at the same time.

Forums on the other hand, is the way to go if you want to ask a question, or answer a question or follow a discussion that will lead to recognisible solution. Forums are, well forums! There are forums for every topic you can think of and you will probably get an instant answer to your question if the forum is well populated.

Forums can however be very retricting. Forums are often tight communities whose members, for example, generaly hate answering the same question over and over again, forcing them to act obnoxious and directing newly joined members of the community to the forums search engine.

But despite this the forum still hold their ground as the primary platform for discussion over the internet. So could we please drop the slogan that blogs would be this platform and see blogs for what they are, namely a platform for pseudo-writers, poets, scholars, journalists, photographers, flowerists and so on (professional blogs by professional [insert previous mentioned professions] excluded).




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