Thursday, May 25, 2006

The divine question and the diabolic answer...

As the tip of my tongue carefully placed the fresh bag of snus at the right spot under my lip, I felt ready to go…

Can I actually start a new post in such a disgusting way? I can and I will. I'm pretty much ok with me using snus ever since Shannon Hoon mentioned it in a sort of romantic way in the Blind Melon song Vernie.

I'm not going to talk about tobacco, and I won't. I'm going to talk about taboos, at least until I feel that I've reached the edge of dire straits; just before the point of no return.

Here I go…

I find homosexuality very, very interesting, as a phenomenon. It is a phenomenon (in swedish: företeelse), at least according to the criteria established by the Swedish National Encyclopedia.

… I really fell as if I’m in dire straits already…

It’s a phenomenon which I’m pleased to say is quite accepted here in Sweden, or at least in Stockholm, I can’t speak for the rest of the nation (I can’t speak for Stockholm either, but that’s something I have to do in order to proceed).

No! I can’t proceed. I don’t have the guts to do so. It’s like trying to cross a big meadow at night, just after the cows has been brought in. I just know I can’t reach the other side without stepping in dung, in pure shit. The shit in this case is the uncertainty of how people will look upon me. Will I accidentally portray myself as a… well I don’t know… something awful?

I have always thought it was something divine about thinking and asking. Divine to ask; What makes the world tick? But attempting to answer isn’t always, apparently as divine.

This is a divine question: Why do homosexuals feel a sexual attraction to their own sex?

Try answering it, and feel divine! You can’t, you can only feel like shit!

I'm off hiding...


Blogger Niklas said...

Perhaps phenomenon isn't the perfect word to use...

The word almost sounds as if it describes something in passing. Which is not what I mean.

5/26/2006 12:04:00 AM  
Blogger Niklas said...

With shit I meant that trying to answer the question in a scientific way only can result in uglyness.

Naturally you can answer that love works in mysterious ways or that...well I don't know.

5/26/2006 02:54:00 PM  
Blogger Niklas said...

With that argument, there shouldn't be any homosexuals at all since we all are raised hetero.

I agree that the norms of society prevents many "closet homosexuals" to come out. During the ancient Greek and Roman times homosexuality was concieved as something very accepted. But that doesn't mean that every other man and woman were bisexuals.

5/27/2006 02:09:00 AM  



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