Tuesday, April 04, 2006

hey I'm drunk!

Never post when drunk, a voice inside my head suspiciously says. Well sorry, I can't help it.

Even though I previously written that I lack motivation to write, don't think I've just gotten drunk to gain some. I haven't. I am drunk, but not for that reason, I'm only seizing the moment. (therefore please excuse any mispellings). I have, however, come up with at least three possible topics to write about during the evening. I've written them down analogously...

I am drunk because it was the opening night for the league in which the team of my heart plays in (see link to the right), we won, 4-2, and I'm happy. There you go... it's a perfectly legal reason.

I don't know how you all are as drunk (please tell me) but I'm pretty much sane through out. Sane in the sense that I don't act out like a total idiot. the simple effect of alcohol on me is that the sledge hammer it produces, without pardon, crumbles the defensive walls I've built fifteen meters high around myself. All of a sudden I have options I've never thought of and the answers to all sort of problems seem clearly enough to taste, or kick.

The question I asked my self is which part of me is what can I learn from a Niklas under the influence and can I perhaps find the walls that the alcohol with such efficiency broke down. If I could find them sober, what would I be able to do then?

It's tomorrow morning now and I want to erase the whole post...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Spring and early summer can be so beautiful so liberating that you almost want to ruin it, to stomp on all the flowers you can see, like garfield did to Jon’s. Why? Because you know that one day it will yet again gone. Why wait for that grievence…"

Understand: we grieve because we love. We love if it brings some pleasure. Why not nourish that which pleasures, and then grieve for it with respect, with love, than to smash it early and run away?

"Sometimes I really hate life when it’s heart aching beautiful. I hate it because I have to die."

Aye. Ironic isn't it? We flee from death, only to hate life...

"It’s like when you were a kid and you had gotten hold of the biggest, the most tasty and the most colourful lollipop and within there was this pefect bubblegum with all the attributes previously mentioned. Did you eat it? No, you worshipped it. You lay it in a box and licked it once every now and then… untill it was too grose two years later."

That was awesomely put... absolutely beautiful. But, Niklas, value is important don't you think? Why do we live despite all these thoughts? Value. Just like that lollipop, life rots eventually, and ~still~ we cling to it, savoring it until we have to go... because those licks were precious... they are ~worth~ living for...

Savor Life. Live valuing it. Die living it.

4/06/2006 09:44:00 AM  



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