Monday, October 09, 2006

surfing the mind...

Last night as I lay in bed I thought of the most wonderful topic to write about. I structured beautiful sentences and lovely punch lines. The problem is, I can’t remember any of it. I’m totally blank. And I praise the fact that the problem is it self a topic worthy writing about, the wonderful sentences excluded.

I have always thought of myself as something of a daydreamer. But daydreaming seems to be the luxury of an idler. Daydreaming is very important to me since it’s through daydreaming I raise questions about society, form my opinions and ideals. It’s through daydreaming I blog.

Now, I can’t find the time, not during the day at least. After the lights are out, however, I have all the time I need to ponder and turn and spin thoughts. The result is dubious though. The most immediate consequence is that I lack sleep; secondly I can’t record what I have thought.

I can’t record what I have thought because I can’t turn the light on, pick up a notepad and start typing, even less use a recorder, without awakening my girlfriend. Furthermore, I always seem to push my luck. I greedily try to hang on to a seed of thought to see what might become of it. The seed is all I need though; I can water and fertilize it perfectly well during the following day. But no luck, most often I fall a sleep and wake up… blank.

I’m an idler no more…

What should I do?


Blogger Tyler Durden said...

There is one thing you can do, if you work a little at it, and that's using the dead time you have on the commuter train or subway for jotting down whatever brain droppings you might have thought about earlier. Sitting there on the train is a perfect place to relax, daydream and think of things to write about. Once your brain droppings are written down then it's much easier to fertilize other thoughts. I don't know if it helps you, but it works for me...

good luck!

10/11/2006 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed. I know I may sound a bit nerdy, but I always have something to write with and something to write on with me at all times. It has become a habit really. If anything interesting seems to pop up, I jot it down...

I admit that I don't write about ~everything~ that happens to come up... but it does help.

Hope you figure something out :)

10/13/2006 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fellow dreamer, you've said it for me! (and said it rather eloquently). My best poems and posts are the ones that wrench me from a warm bed and send me to scribble furiously in the dark.

May Sesquip' rub off on us all, soon.

10/31/2006 12:58:00 AM  



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